Monday, December 30, 2013

Do you think people from Up a North have Attitude Problems?

People from up North do not have a problem speaking their minds. I am from up north and I am Very outspoken. Now don't mistake outspoken for rude I just speak what's on my mind. Newyork is a fast paced  city so the way I was brought up "if you snooze you lose".And to be ahead of the game you have to say what you feel and how you feel. What do you think?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Did you know that Water is The Most important ingredient in a hairproduct.

We have picked a winner

I had to share this once again. Not try to Brag or anything but what other salons are doing Contests like this?
I want to Thank Everyone that participated in the Facebook 1000 likes contest. Well you guys we are here my page has Finally reached 1000 Likes. After viewing all of your contest entry's I have picked a winner. The winner of the 1000 Likes contest is @Mechelle Farmer. She is the winner go a Keratin Glazing Treatment and A Steam Treatment. (4 photos)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

I do not share my salon secrets with the public

Hair Growth Drops Dominican Salons use To Grow Your Hair

Dominican Hair Products used to Grow Hair

Chemical Free Natural Hair Straightening Services

How to Grow and Thicken your Hair Using Monistat 7

Going Natural is Hard Work

Natural Hair verses Straight Hair

Christmas At Grandmas House

How to Mix Monistat 7 for Hair Growth

Join Amazon Prime - Watch Over 40,000 Movies

Hair Steamer Benefits

Grow Hair getting Dominican Blowouts

New Dominican Salon in Irmo S.C.

Natural Hair Care

My Glueless lace front wig looks natural.

Dominican Doobies by Adwoa Has A Hair BRAIDER Now

New Dominican Salon in Irmo South Carolina

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Customers calling or texting after hours

How do you guys feels about clients calling you at night or on Sundays to schedule appointments or ask questions? I personally think it is rude and there is nothing that I can do for you when I am closed. Yes I am a hair stylists and yes I love and appreciate my clients but ,when I leave the salon I come home to my family and my time home is Their time. When the clients go home they don't have to worry about the hairstylists calling them on Sunday or after hours.I don't know this is just my opinion how do you guys feel?

Monistat 7 for hair growth

Continued Education Classes

Hi everyone if you still need CEU"s to to renew your SC license by March 2013 you still have time. Check the LLR website to see the last minute classes that are being offered in February. You can also take 6 hours of your CEU"s on line but Im not sure what the deadline is. I just recently took a class under JHI. The instructor was Rolanda Ceasar and the class was really good. Now normally when I take these classes I fall asleep because they are boring and overcrowded. But not JHI"s Rolanda Ceasar"s class. She kept us awake,the class was hands on and very very interesting. The time just seemed to fly by and I wasnt constantly looking at my phone to see if if was break time lol now thats a first for me. When I arrived to the class just knew I was going to be in there snoring from boredom but I was presently surprised. This has been the best continued education class I have ever taken and I would recommend her class to everyone that wants to learn and have a great time while doing it. Because if your like me, than you hate taking these classes as much as I do.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Step by Step Tutorial

Watch "My Hair Grew 8 inches in 9 months getting Dominican Blowouts (My Hair Journey)" on YouTube

Continued Education Classes

January 2013 is the last month that SC State Board is offering continued education for cosmetologist whose licenses expire in March 2013. Kenneth Shuler has a 6 hour class on the 20th you can go to their website for more information.And Jolei's Hair Institute has a couple of classes as well. Remember you have to have 12 hours of continued education in order to renew your license. So if you need classes hurry up and register before it is Too Late!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It is very important to trim your split ends

Everyone has split ends on their hair. They come from brushing,braiding,and applying heat to your hair. Split ends are at the bottom of your hair and this hair is dead. If you don't trim your split ends they will work their way up the hair shaft to the scalp and than pop off. You will also notice alot of hair shedding.This is why we must keep our ends trimmed so that our hair will continue to grow. This hair is uneven and it looks really fuzzy and sometimes it's rough to the touch. When trimmed off your hair looks better and it feels better. Avoid the over use of heat, spritz and gels and you won't have to worry about getting split ends often.

Ebt payment at the salon

Hello everyone I just had to share something with you that I just heard. I heard that some of these hair salons are accepting ebt cards for payment of services. Wow really, has it gotten that bad that you will let your children go hungry just to get your hair done? And as for the stylists that are accepting these cards your not helping either. So just in case any of my clients are getting any ideas I Am Still Cash Only but I do accept PayPal payments lol.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Salon Professionalism

How do you feel about Barbers or hairstylist talking on the phone while they are cutting or doing your hair? Is it ok or is it unprofessional? And how about when your hair is dry and your ready to go because you have been in the salon all day but your Stylists husband or boyfriend stops by to take her to lunch  and she puts you back under the dryer and leaves.Are you pissed,I know you are lol so what do you do? Please leave your comments

Really Your Stylists Put What In Your Hair?

Just recently I had a new client come to me that had really badly.damaged hair. She used to live in Florida but now she resides in Columbia S.C.. Well let me tell you guys what happened to this young lady. She went to a stylist in Florida that her sister referred her too to have a relaxer done. While the relaxer was still on her hair the stylists said I'm going to put a "keratin treatment" in your hair too it will make your hair really really straight. "Ok pause what" is what I said while the client was explaining to me why she doesn't have any hair now. Yes people, the stylists in Florida put two seperate chemicals in this lady's hair at the same time. And she did this at her home because she was fired from the salon where  she use to work. So my next question to the young lady was ok does she even have a license and are you sure she put a Keratin treatment in your hair and not a keratin.conditioner.I just can't see someone that's suppose to be a licensed cosmetologist being that negligent, text her and ask her what she put in your hair. So she did and the stylist did reply to the text which shocked me.The text said "I put a mizani relaxer in your hair and a global Keratin treatment". OMG is what I thought to myself.Than I told the client those are both chemicals she was not suppose to use those together that is why your hair fell out. You need to report her to State Board before she does this to someone else,she's suppose to know better.I had to share this story with you guys so that you can stay aware of what's going.on in some.of these hair salons.Ladies please do your research and ask questions before you trust someone enough to let them do your hair.What are your thoughts on this story?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Salon Overbooking

How do you feel when you have an appointment at a salon and when you get there six or seven people are ahead of you and they too have appointments.Now you have to sit and wait for hours before you even get shampooed,and this isn't the first time that this has happened.So, what do you do? Do you complain or do you sit and wait your turn because your stylist is really good? What's your opinion on this?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Step by step keratin treatment pictures

Salon Deposits

I reguire a 50% non refundable deposit for new clients that want to come in on a Friday or a Saturday. When I first opened my hair salon I didn't have this rule. But due to clients calling making a weekend appointment confirming that appointment and than the day of the appointment not showing up, something had to change. So I changed my policy and now everyone shows up for their appointments. What's client's don't realize is,when we set an appointment time for you that time is yours and yours only.So when you don't show up not only do we lose money, some of us lose respect for the clients and start to overbook just to make sure we will have people showing up even.if someone doesn't. We as stylists demand the same consideration and respect for our time that you the clients do.What's your feelings on this subject?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Does everyone at the Hair Salon have a license?

When you go to get your hair done are you sure that the person doing your hair has a license,do you even ask or look around to make sure? These days there are so many people working in hair salons without the proper licenses needed and required to perform services on the public. So how is this possible that unlicensed stylists can work in professional salons and not get caught by state board. Post your comments and thoughts on this subject.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Watch "You Dont Have to Do The Big Chop To Go Natural" on YouTube

Salon Prices

Hi when it comes to the care of your hair is cheaper always better?
When deciding  where to go if your main concern is price please remember that you get what you pay for.Cheaper prices means cheap products being used and more than likely not the best hair care service. So with that being said when it comes to Your Hair you have the option of paying more for the Best Service and Best Hair Products,or you can choose the cheaper route and take your chances and accept whatever the outcome of your hair is.What do you choose?